Helpful Information

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Adult Diabetes App
Would you like more information about your diabetes? The Ayrshire and Arran Diabetes MCN Team have developed a new Adult Diabetes App. For more information on how to download the App please click on the image to download the instructions.
Holly Health App
Residents of South Ayrshire can sign up to a lifestyle improvement app called Holly Health. For more information on how to download the app please click on the image.
Respiratory App
Do you have asthma, bronchiectasis, COPD or interstitial lung disease? Would you like information to help manage your condition? Then download NHS Ayrshire and Arran app onto your smartphone today.
Healthy Weight App
NHS Ayrshire & Arran have developed a free "Health Weight Ayrshire" app to help the whole family achieve and maintain a healthy weight. This app provides information on a number of topics which are helpfully broken down into the following sections: early years 1-5, child healthy weight, adult weight management, bariatric surgery, as well as sections on wellbeing, eating well and links to other useful apps. Search your App Store for NHS Ayshire and Arran, download and install the App, and then select Healthy Weight Ayrshire
Mental Health App
NHS Ayrshire and Arran have developed a free "Mental Health" App. This free app provides helpful information about
- Local services and support
- Adult Community Services
- Mental Wellbeing
- Unscheduled Care
- Health Psychology
- Inpatient Information
- Older People Services
- Learning Disabilities Services (LDS)
- Useful resources
To get the app
Search for NHS Ayrshire and Arran in your app store and download it. You will see the apps that have been developed so far, click on Ayrshire and Arran Mental Health.
In Times of Bereavement
Most people at some point in their lives find themselves responsible for making the arrangements after the death of a relative or friend. The death of someone close to you can be overwhelming, and you may need practical advice to help you manage. You may also need to speak to someone about how you feel.
For practical advice please click on the following link
For emotional support please click on the following link
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland
Bereavement Support/Beatson Cancer Charity
The Bereavement Service at the Beatson Cancer Charity can provide support for adults who have lost a loved one to cancer who was treated at the West of Scotland Beatson Cancer Centre or other west of Scotland hospital.
Individuals can self-refer via Bereavement Support/Beatson Cancer Charity, by email bereavementsupport@beatsoncancercharity.orgor by phone 0141 212 0505 or can be referred by a clinical staff.
Please click here to view Alzheimer Scotland's useful information sheet which explains Powers of Attorney.