Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities
Our commitment to you:
- To treat you as an individual and respect your privacy, dignity and self-esteem at all times.
- To involve you in decisions regarding your plan of care and to offer choices of treatment where this is possible.
- To respect your religious and cultural needs.
- To give you a clear choice on whether or not you wish the presence of students or other trainee professionals during any consultation or home visit.
- To maintain close links between people providing your care to see that you receive a co-ordinated service.
- To see that all information relating to your care is handled confidentially. You have a right of access to your health records with certain safeguards.
- To provide treatment in clean, warm, comfortable and safe premises.
- To offer you an individual appointment time. You will normally be seen within a reasonable amount of time, if not, you will be given an explanation.
- To provide full and accurate guides to other services and clear understandable explanations to your queries.

Please help us by:
- Working with us in your treatment and care by following agreed plans and advice.
- Taking every opportunity to promote your own healthy lifestyle.
- Asking if you are unsure about any aspect of your treatment.
- Making suggestions about how we can improve or develop services.
- Keeping your appointments or notifying us quickly when you need to re-arrange.