Appointments System
We have introduced a Clinical Triage System. The aim of this is to improve our Service. We have employed three Advanced Nurse Practitioners who will run the Triage System with the Duty Doctor.
It is designed to offer an enhanced service for home visits, same day appointments, soon appointments, antibiotic requests and telephone advice. Contact the Practice for any of the above requests on 01292 886622 before 10 am. The Triage Team will telephone you back and either complete the request or arrange a suitable appointment with the appropriate clinician.
Due to increasing demand and to increase the number of face to face appointments available in the surgery from Tuesday 28th May 2024 triage will close at 12.30. If you phone for triage after 12.30 you will be asked to call back the following day.
With the introduction of a Clinical Triage System it has been agreed that the receptionists will ask you for your name, date of birth, telephone number and some brief information about why you are calling. This will allow the receptionist to give our Advanced Nurse Practitioners as much information as possible before they call you back.
Reception staff, like all members of the team, are bound by confidentiality rules
- Any information given by you is treated as strictly confidential
- The Practice would take any breach of confidentiality very seriously and deal with it accordingly
- You can ask to speak to a receptionist in private away from the reception desk
- If you feel any issue is very private and do not wish to say what this is then this will be respected.
Why not try our eConsult Service by clicking on eConsult "Get Started" on our home page. eConsults can be done at anytime, day or night, and even on the weekend. You tell us what the Practice can help you with and fill out an online form. It could save you time waiting to get through on the phone. Once you submit an eConsult the Practice will get back to you by the end of the next working day with the next steps.
Thank you for your support.

We offer a face to face appointments with either one of our Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses or our Health Care Support Worker between the hours of 7.30 am and 8.30 am. These appointments increase our opportunity for patients who have difficulty with accessing our services outwith our core hours at a time more suitable for them.
The doctors are available to give routine and urgent advice by telephone. Please telephone the surgery on 01292 886622 and ask to make a telephone appointment with the doctor. Following a telephone consultation the doctors can also see patients face-to-face if deemed necessary.
The secretaries are also available to take non-urgent messages for the doctors from 9.00am—5.00pm. They can be contacted by telephoning:-
Drs Haddow & Adams Secretary - Tel No: 01292 886622
Dr Paton & Good’s Secretary - Tel No: 01292 886622
Dr Matthewson, Dr Young’s Secretary - Tel No: 01292 886622
Advanced Nurse Practitioners
The Advanced Nurse Practitioners can be contacted by telephoning the Practice on 01292 886622. They deal with acute illness, are able to prescribe and to see patients face-to-face if required.
Practice Nurses
The Practice Nurses are available to give advice over the telephone each day on 01292 886622. Face-to-face appointments are also available for the Practice Nurses to give contraceptive advice, carry out cervical smears, wound dressing/suture removal and Chronic Disease Management.
Health Care Assistant
Our Health Care Assistant holds clinics Monday to Friday for taking blood samples (not INR), ECGs, Breath Tests and blood pressure checks. The Health Care Assistant can be contacted by telephoning 01292 886622.
District Nursing Sisters
The District Nursing Service can be contacted on 01292 513876. They have special skills to nurse patients in their own home. They are able to give advice and support on most health-related issues.
CTAC Nurses
The CTAC Nurses hold daily clinics within the Practice or at our Hub at the North Ayr Health Centre, Glenmuir Place, Ayr KA8 9RS. The CTAC Nurses offer appointments for Chronic Disease Management, injections, wound dressing/suture removal, blood pressure checks and taking blood samples. Appointments can be made through the receptionist on 01292 886622.
Our Pharmacy Team can be contacted on 01292 886622. They assist the practice with medication reviews and project work. They are also available to give advice on over the counter medication or any other medication queries.
Mental Health Practitioner
We have two Mental Health Practitioners who hold clinics in the surgery once a week for patients suffering from mild to moderate mental health issues. Referral can be made through one of the clinicians by telephoning 01292 886622.
Our Physiotherapist, Christina Starrs, holds a clinic in the Practice once a week. If you have a muscloskeletal complaint you can book an appointment by telephoning 01292 886622 or visit the link to the Muscloskeletal Service (Ayrshire & Arran) website under our "Services" menu for advice.
Community Link Worker
We have a Community Link Worker who holds a clinic in the surgery once a week who will help get you support, advice and information from services or activities that will help improve your physical and mental wellbeing and quality of life. Referrals can be made through one of the clinicians by telephoning 01292 886622.
Health Visitors
The Health Visitors can be contacted on 01292 885501. They specialise in health promotion for all age groups and have responsibility in the care of the under fives and their families. They visit in the community and hold a child immunisation clinic at the surgery.
District Midwifery Sister
The Midwife can be contacted on 01292 285893 The midwife helps with the care of expectant mothers and attends the mother and baby at home for the first few days.
Home Visits
If you are not able to come to the surgery and require a home visit please telephone the surgery and inform the receptionist before 10.00am. The Triage Team will telephone you back. Urgent visits for emergencies and sudden illness at any time will be dealt with as soon as possible after receipt of the call.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.
Training of Healthcare Professionals
Occasionally the Practice undertakes training of Healthcare Professionals, such as medical students. If a student is going to be present during a consultation, patients will always be notified and asked their permission before the appointment.